Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. in Literature and Criticism
American Culture Studies, Western Drama, Second Language Reading and Writing
- Part-time Assistant Professor at Providence University, National Chin-Yi Technology University, Chienkuo Technology University
- Writing Center Consultant, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
1. Chen, Wan-li. “‘Make Sense Who May, I Switch off': The Acoustic Space of Theater
in Samuel Beckett's Ohio Impromptu.” Journal of Theater Studies, vol. 27, 2021,
pp.117-134. DOI: 10.6257/JOTS.202101_(27).117. (THCI)
2. Chen, Wan-li. “The Dark Clouds' Silver Lining: Dynamic Explorations of Self-identity
in Krapp's Last Tape.” Chung Hsing Journal of the Humanities, vol. 63, 2019, pp. 37-56.
3. Chen, Wan-li. “Across Boundaries: Bilingual Activism in Guillermo Gómez-Peña's The
New World Border.” Fiction and Drama, vol. 25, no. 2, 2016, pp. 1-23. DOI:
4. Chen, Wan-li. “Technology and Its Representation of Realities in Krzysztof
Kieslowski's Three Colors: Red." In The Proceeding of The 2012 International
Conference on Language, Literature and Teaching. 261-270. Taichung: National Chin-
Yi University of Technology, 2012. (ISBN: 978-957-21-8803-3)
5. Chen, Wan-li. “Invention and Intervention: The Power of Rhetoric in Multicultural
Scenes.” In The Proceeding of The 2011 International Conference on Language,
Literature and Teaching. 216-243. Taichung: National Chin-Yi University of
Technology, 2011. (ISBN: 978-957-21-8333-5)
onference Presentations:
1. Chen, Wan-li. “Enacting and Reworking: Cultural Memories in Mexican-American
Autobiographical Fiction." Taipei Tech International Conference: Memory: The
Fugitive and the Captive. National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan on
2. Chen, Wan-li. "Language Matters: New Mestizas'Crossover.”42th Annual Conference
of the Comparative Literature Association of Republic of China: Micro-relations.
Academia Sinica, Taiwan on 9/19/2020.
3. Chen, Wan-li. “The Haunted Stage as Liminal Space in Samuel Beckett’s Ohio
Impromptu.”27th Annual Conference of the English and American Literature
Association: Restlessness. National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan on 11/2/2019.
4. Chen, Wan-li. “Empathy in Samuel Beckett's Theater of the Absurd." 2017
International Conference on Life Writing: Self-Representation, Medical Narrative and
Cultural Memory. Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan on 9/30/ 2017.
2022 NQU Teaching Award